The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority

KD03 Sunnidale Rd. SWM Retrofit Project

Project Description

KPI Icon for presentations_Guarding species at risk
KPI Icon for presentations_Healthy connections
KPI Icon for presentations_Mitigating Flood and controlling stormwater

We partnered with the City of Barrie to help improve localized stormwater by retrofitting a dry stormwater pond to increase infiltration and improve water quality. This will be achieved through the implementation of a treatment train which includes the installation of an underground vault chamber storage/infiltration facility as well as a twin unit oil/grit separator running in parallel.


This proposed project was extremely unique in that it included an underground vault chamber which will store and infiltrate stormwater.  This was the first time this product has been installed in Canada in a dry stormwater system. 


The site location is ideal for this type of retrofit as the native soils are sandy and pervious with a water table that is over 7 metres deep. The environmental benefits of this project will include:

  • 16,789 m3/year of additional storm water Infiltration
  • 43 kg/year of additional phosphorus reduction
  • Reduction to downstream peak flows at Kidd’s Creek
  • Reduction in thermal impacts to Kidd’s creek through the promotion of infiltration


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