The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority

Riverine Flood Status
Lake Simcoe Shoreline Status
Low Water Status

Circle Park Wetland

KPI Icon for presentations_Guarding species at risk
KPI Icon for presentations_Healthy connections
KPI Icon for presentations_Mitigating Flood and controlling stormwater

We partnered with the Town of Innisfil to construct a new wetland feature to enhance the natural heritage system and improve drainage at Circle Park in Gilford. To bring the park back to its full potential, we worked with a consultant to ​design a space incorporating wetlands to enhance the natural heritage area and added walking trails to connect the residents to nature.  

Where is Circle Park?

Circle Park is located in Gilford, approximately 200 metres from ​Lake Simcoe. This space was wet for approximately 90% of the year and has historically been an issue for residents surrounding the park. ​By re-grading some of the wet areas, we were able to create new wetland features, tree and shrub plantings, other habitat structures and incorporate walking trails for the community to enjoy! This wetland has already begun to attract wildlife of all kinds, from ducks to frogs to dragonflies. We’ve also created a turtle nesting site and an osprey platform, as they are known to be in the area, and we hope to provide them with a safe place to nest.

Do you own two or more acres of land in the Lake Simcoe watershed?

Build your own wetland, right on your own land! We can provide advice, expertise, and up to $10,000 in funding! 

​Help reduce your risk of flood damage, recharge groundwater and improve habitat for numerous species by creating or enhancing a beautiful wetland on your property​.

Community Events

​Interested in volunteering at community action events, including tree planting events? 

Send us a note! We​’ll add you to our outreach email list for future events.

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