The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority

Conservation Areas

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Conservation Areas & Parks

The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority purchases and restores significant natural areas within the Lake Simcoe watershed. We currently own or manage 23 properties. These forest, shoreline and wetland habitats are critically important for preserving and restoring the ecological health of our watershed as well as providing opportunities for outdoor recreation and the enjoyment and appreciation of nature.

In addition to the areas listed here, the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority also protects another 420 hectares of land specifically as nature preserves in various locations around the watershed. These other properties are largely inaccessible, and have no visitor use facilities.

Conservation Lands

Our conservation lands are properties that were acquired, through purchase or donation, for the purposes of protecting their natural heritage values. Many of these properties are wetlands, and make significant contributions to both water quality and wildlife habitat. Due to the difficulty of access, and the sensitivity of their features, no trails or other public use facilities have been developed in these conservation areas.

  • Herrema Property
  • Keswick North Watercourse
  • Pottageville Swamp
  • Zephyr Creek Wetlands

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