The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority

Enjoy Your Visit

Please do your part so we can do ours!​

Know before you go

  • Conservation Areas are open to the public from dawn until dusk, 365 days per year
  • All washrooms are closed during the winter
  • Free parking fees have been extended until further notice​
  • Visitors entering the conservation area by use of active transportation (walking, biking, jogging, running, cycling, horseback riding, in-line skating, skateboarding, non-mechanized wheel chairing, skiing and snowshoeing) are​ not required to pay the parking fee
  • Camping is only permitted with a permit​​
  • ATVs or motorized vehicles are not permitted
  • Fires are prohibited, except in designated areas by permit​
  • Drones are not permitted to be used or flown at any of our properties, including conservation areas​​​
  • Park in dedicated areas only. Please only park if you can find an appropriate spot that does not block access points, gates or other vehicles. If no parking spots are available, please go to another greenspace.
  • Please follow Provincial guidelines on gathering sizes when visiting a conservation area.
  • Stay on trail unless you need to briefly step off to ensure physical distancing.
  • Please place all litter in garbage receptacles provided.

Enjoy your visit​

  • For your safety, please stay on the marked tra​ils
  • Dogs must be on a leash at all times
  • Please stoop and scoop and pick up after your pet​
  • If you ride a bike in a conservation area, be sure to yield to hikers and horseback riders; hikers be sure to yield to horseback riders too!
  • Be aware of your surroundings and keep an eye out for noxious weeds like giant hogweed, wild parsnip, cow parsnip and poison ivy​​
  • Please follow any specific on-site signage, especially as it relates to staying out of certain project areas. When we undertake a restoration project, there may be equipment or changes in terrain that may be dangerous to you, and the plants and animal habitat that we are restoring need time and space to grow and get re-established properly
  • It is illegal to pick or remove vegetation of any kind, including live or dead branches, plants, soil, rocks or other natural items. If you see anyone picking plants or removing any resources from our Conservation Areas, please contact us at 1-800-465-0437
  • In designated picnic areas, only propane gas barbeques are to be used. No charcoal or briquette barbe​ques are to be used within conservation areas.

Horse Etiquette

Use caution around horses on the trail and ask the horserider for direction if uncertain. If you encounter a horse on one of our trails, regardless of which direction you are approaching from, please stop, and call out. Don’t rin​g your bell or toot your horn to signal you are nearby. Give equestrians the time they need to make sure their horse is under control before you proceed.

Understanding how horses think and why they behave the way they do goes a long way to making sure all users enjoy their trail time. Horses are very intelligent prey animals who continuously assess their surroundings to determine threats – trail users and dogs standing off trails or cyclists appearing quickly, quietly and sometimes out ​of nowhere, may trigger the horse’s innate flight response.

Back at home

  • Make a tick check part of your “outdoors” routine, don’t forget to check your pets too
  • Leave a review – call, write or get on social media to share your stories and photos with us. We love seeing wildlife sightings!

If you have any questions about our park rules, please contact our Conservation Lands team at 905-895-1281 or ​

Please Remember:

  • Dogs must be leashed in all conservation areas
  • Take nothing but photographs.
    ​Leave nothing but footprints.
  • ​No foraging of any kind is permitted in conservation areas.​

phone icon   Who to Contact

Conservation Lands
1-800-465-0437 Toll free

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