The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority

Permit and Application Fees

Fee Schedules

The tables below provide a summary of our fees. It is important to understand our fees policy and sc​hedule as well to know which fee schedule applies to you.

Applications made under the Conservation Authorities Act and O.Reg.41/24

Private Residential Property

Category Fee
Major Permit Application Development where there is a high risk to people or property, natural hazards, or natural features. One or more studies required. For example, an environmental impact study, hydraulic analysis, stormwater management report or geotechnical report.
Intermediate Permit Application Development where there is moderate risk to people or property, natural hazards, or natural features. Detailed plans, or report is required​
Minor Permit Application Development where there is low risk of impact on natural hazards or natural features. No technical reports are required. Small scale, and/or consistent with policy and guidelines​
Routine Permit Application Limited review, minor in nature relative to cost, location, or impact.
Permit Revisions – amendments/minor changes to plans made under a previously approved and still valid permit.
Half the original Permit Fee
Permit Reissuance If a new application is submitted within 6 months of the original permit expiring and there are no changes to the site plan, application, or regulation limit
​Half the original Permit Fee
Legal/Real Estate Inquiries
Letter of Comment
Permit Associated with Minister’s Zoning Order​ (s.28.0.1)
Double Permit Fee
Re-submission Fee (>2 submissions)
25% of Permit Fee

Applications made under the Conservation Authorities Act and O.Reg.41/24

Major Residential - Subdivision, Commercial, Industrial, Institutional Proposals

Category Fee
Major Permit Application – requires submission of detailed plans, technical studies and/or reports.
Intermediate Permit Application
Permit Revisions
Half the original Permit Fee
Permit Reissuance. If a new application is submitted within 6 months of the original permit expiring and there are no changes to site plan, application, or regulation limit.
Half the original Permit Fee
Green Energy Permits
Permit Associated with Minister’s Zoning Order​ (s.28.0.1)
Double Permit Fee
Re-submission Fee (>2 Submissions)
25% of permit fee

Applications made under the Conservation Authorities Act and O.Reg. 41/24

Municipal Proposals​

Category Fee
Major Permit Application. Major municipal permit applications refer to applications that require technical reports or analysis to support the application as well as applications for works that cover large geographic areas such as multiple road culverts or bridge replacements and large-scale municipal servicing and road projects.​
Minor Permit Application. Minor municipal permit applications refer to a permit application which does not require detailed technical reports or analysis to support the application. This could include permit applications for road resurfacing, driveways/roadways, culvert replacements, re-grading of existing roadside ditches.​
Permit Revisions
Half the original Permit Fee​
Permit Reissuance. If a new application is submitted within 6 months of the original permit expiring and there are no changes to site plan, application, or regulation limit.
Half the original Permit Fee
Permits Associated with Minister’s Zoning Order (s.28.0.1)
Double Permit Fee
Re-submission Fee (>2 Submissions)
25% of Permit Fee

​Large Fill Proposals (>250m3 of Fill Replacement)

Category Fee
Base Fee
$5,202 + $1/m3
Specialty Crop Areas within the Provincial Greenbelt (e.g. top dressing or dyke management)
Base Fee + 50 cents/m3 to a maximum of $3,121
​Re-submission Fee (>2 Submissions)
25% of Permit Fee

Note – Any Peer Review required by the Authority shall be paid by the applicant or proponent​.

Applications made under the Planning Act

Category Fee
Minor Official Plan Amendment – Proponent Initiated (No technical review required – planning review only)
Major ​Official Plan Amendments — Proponent I​nitiated​ (Techinical review required)
Minor Zoning By-Law Amendment – Proponent Initiated (no technical review required – planning review only)​
Major Zoning By-Law Amendment – Proponent Initiated (Technical review required)
Combined Official Plan Amendment / Zoning By-law Amendment
Draft Plan ​(Subdivision​/Condo) Approval — Minimum Fee
Draft Plan Approval — >60 Lots/Units ($/lot) Maximum Fee imposed at 160 lots
$294/Lot, Unit
Draft Plan Approval — Maximum Fee
Final Plan Approval — Minimum Fee (<60 lots)​
Final Plan Approval — >60 Lots/Units
$294/Lot, Unit
​Final Plan Approval — Maximum Fee (Imposed at 160+ Lots)​
No Final Plan Fee
Combined OPA/ZBA Subdivision or Condominium​
Full Subdivision Fee and 70% of OPA/ZBA Fee
Draft Plan of Subdivision — Red-line Revision (triggering additional technical review)
Draft Plan of Subdivision – Request for Extension of Approval
Site Plan — Residential/Institutional (>15 units)
Site Plan – Residential/Institutional (<15 units)
Combined OPA/ZBA/Site Plan​ (>15 units)
​Full Site Plan Fee and 70% of OPA/ZBA Fee
​Combined OPA/ZBA/Site Plan​ (<15 units)
Full Site Plan Fee and 70% of OPA/ZBA Fee
​Site Plan — Residential (single-unit)/Agricultural (Minor) ​No Technical review required.
Site Plan — Residential (single-unit)/Agricultural (Major) Technical review required.
Combined OPA/ZBA/Site Plan (Residential – Single unit/Agricultural) (Major)
Full Site Plan Fee and 70% of OPA/ZBA Fee
Site Plan — Golf Courses, Aggregate
Site Plan — Commercial and Industrial
Site Plan Amendment Fee – Minor (Minimal Review or Revisions)
Greater Than (>) Two (2) Technical Re-Submissions
25% of Application Fee for each additional submission after the second.
Site Plan —​ Water Balance Review Only (WHPA Q2 & 4.8-DP / 6.40-DP of Lake Simcoe Protection Plan) The water balance review fee in the WHPA Q2 area and applications subject to the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan Water Recharge Offsetting Policy for the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan for site plans is applied to those applications typically not circulated to the LSRCA in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding with the watershed municipalities. The Authority’s review of these site plan applications will be restricted to the water balance only (i.e., will not include a review of the grading/drainage/erosion sediment control plans)​
Phosphorus Offsetting Policy (POP) Review Only
Consent/Minor Variance Application (Minor – no technical review required – planning review only)
Consent/Minor Variance Application (Major – technical review required)
Developmental Potential Review – Planning (in writing)
Peer Review (e.g. Geotechnical Study)
Paid by Applicant
Site Visit Fee (Required for requested site visits that are not subject to a current and open application under the Planning Act.)​
Pre-consultation (Review fee of pre-consultation circulations provided to the LSRCA by Part​ner Municipalities)
$765 Note: the pre-consultation fee will be credited to the Application Fee if a complete application under the Planning Act is submitted within 12 months of the date of the provided LSRCA pre-consultation comments.

Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) Review

Category Fee
Minor ECA Stormwater Works Review for <2ha ​Typically minor site plans Municipal projects <2ha​
Moderate ECA Stormwater Works Review for 2ha to 5ha Typically larger site plans and condominiums Municipal projects 2ha to 5ha
Major Stormwater Works Review for >5ha ​Typically draft plans of subdivisions and major site plans Large scale municipal projects >5ha
Minor Stormwater Conveyance Systems Local municipal roads, 500 metres long or less
Major Stormwater Conveyance Systems Large road projects, arterials, greater than 500 metres in length
Site or Topic Specific Technical Expert Peer Review This is for the rare instance where there is need for an outside Technical Expert (i.e. geotechnical) All external fees will be agreed upon by applicant prior to commencement​
$724 + TBD Technical Review Fee
Re-Submission Fee (>2 Submissions)
25% of Review Fee

Technical Reviews (Non-Application)​​

Category Fee
Minor Technical Review Due diligence review, minor technical studies
Major Technical Review Detailed studies including floodplain analysis, detailed boundary delineation, peer review of existing reports
Schedule B Class
$6,650 plus applicable Permit Fee
​Schedule C Class
$9,392 plus applicable Permit Fee
Re-Submission Fee (>2 Submissions)
​25% of Review Fee

Office Hours

Our public office hours are Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. We highly recommend making an appointment in advance to ensure there is staff available to help you.  

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