The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority

In Town

In Town

Our watershed is a vibrant and diverse habitat and a precious source of water to many. It’s also a centre for tourism and recreation! If you live in a town, city, or built-up area in the Lake Simcoe watershed, there are many things that you can do to help​ protect our lake. One important piece is allowing rainwater and stormwater to soak into the ground naturally. When this occurs, our groundwater is maintained and the rivers, streams and ultimately Lake Simcoe are protected from runoff pollutants such as salt and phosphorus.

What Can You Do?

Want to do more to help Lake Simcoe?

Support the Lake Simcoe Conservation Foundation! Their mission is to raise money to support a cleaner and healthier Lake Simcoe watershed by funding environmental projects through LSRCA. Find out more about:

phone icon   Who to Contact 

1-800-465-0437 Toll free

permit icon​   What can you do at home?

Build a Rain Garden

Redirect Your Downspout​

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