Implementing Low Impact Development
To promote better stormwater management using sustainable low impact development practices which can be applied to development and/or retrofits. Addressing stormwater – which is defined as wastewater – helps to maintain and/or improve the water quality and quantity within the Lake Simcoe watershed.
Implement infiltration/filtration-based low impact developments (LIDs) to:
- Reduce stormwater runoff to pre-development conditions as close to the source as possible
- Prevent increases in phosphorus loads to Lake Simcoe and its tributaries
- Ensure that development within the watershed contributes to the protection or enhancement of water quality and quantity through the implementation of low impact development techniques such as raingardens, bioswales, green roofs, permeable pavement, and dry ponds
- Recognize stormwater retrofit projects as a means to achieving the overall phosphorus water quality target
- Promote infilitration to maintain and restore groundwater quantity and quality
Eligible Projects
- Retrofitting existing development (residential, industrial, or commercial) within Lake Simcoe watershed through the implementation of low impact development best management practices such as:
- Green roofs
- Permeable Pavement
- Perforated Pipe Systems
- Bioretention and Rain Gardens
- Rainwater Harvesting
- Soakaways, Infiltration Trenches and Chambers
- Enhanced Grass Swales and Dry Swales
- Downspout Disconnection
- Low impact Development techniques used on new developments could be considered if the project has greater impacts than required through all policy and permits requirements
Project Details
The following minimum criteria must be met for a project to be approved:
- Projects on public lands should have a written commitment from the public landowner to enter into an Agreement to include the following: inspect and maintain the facility to the satisfaction of the Conservation Authority, and if applicable, the amended Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) and to identify the project within an established asset management database and provide inspection and maintenance records to the Conservation Authority upon request
- Evidence that all previously implemented low impact development projects in the subject municipality are being inspected and maintained in accordance with their Agreement (if applicable)
- On private lands should have a written commitment from the private landowner to enter into a Conservation Agreement to include the following: the protection, inspection, and maintenance of the facility in perpetuity to the satisfaction of the Conservation Authority and if applicable, the amended Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA)
- All projects will follow the most current Conservation Authority Technical Guidelines for Stormwater Management Submissions
- For Recharge, potential funding is based on the net (post minus pre- retrofit) annual infiltration or most recent board approved rate
- For Phosphorus reduction, potential funding is based on the net (post minus pre-retrofit) annual phosphorus reduction or more recent board approved rate
- One tool only must be selected and used either:
- Ministry Environment, Conservation and Parks Phosphorous Budget Tool. For a copy of this Phosphorus Budget Tool, please e-mail
- STEP-Water Low Impact Development Treatment Train Tool for phosphorus calculations. No mixing of the phosphorus tools, loading rates, or removal rates will be permitted
What costs are covered?
- Permits
- Professional design fees
- Material and labour associated with the approved project
What isn't covered?
- Maintenance of stormwater practices (storm water pond, low impact development, and oil and grit separator clean outs, etc.)
- Taxes
- Machinery or equipment owned and used by the applicant, family dependents or the applicant’s business
- Labour of applicant, family dependents or the applicant’s business
- If you have an outstanding violation with the Conservation Authority, you may not be eligible for funding
- Work that proceeds prior to funding approval does not qualify for funding assistance
How to Apply
Complete the Landowner Information Form and Project Profile Form to submit an application. Only complete applications will be considered for funding assistance.
Please contact the Manager of Restoration Services Christa Sharp to verify program eligibility and to answer any questions/concerns you may have about the program and/or the application process. This is a voluntary program and all calls are confidential.
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