Improving Streams
To limit the loss of land by stabilizing your banks using natural channel restoration approaches. Streambank protection and plantings along the edge of a creek keeps the soil intact, improves water quality, slows water velocity, reduces erosion and the buffer allows water to infiltrate into the ground instead of running directly into a stream.
To complete restoration projects which protect or improve water quality and wildlife habitat along waterways.
Eligible Projects
- Streambank stabilization using bioengineering techniques
- Culvert removal
- Natural channel design
- Fish habitat improvement
- LSRCA will consider innovative projects if they meet the objective of the category
Project Details
- Must reflect natural channel design principles and allow for unimpeded passage of fish and aquatic life.
- All disturbed areas must be stabilized prior to removal of temporary erosion and sediment control measures. All dewatering material that may contain sediment must be filtered using Best Management Practices prior to discharging into the receiving waters.
- Landowner will participate in project monitoring by providing seasonal post-construction photos of the site for a minimum of two years.
What costs are covered?
- Permits
- Professional design fees
- Material and labour associated with the approved project
What isn't covered?
- Taxes
- Replacement of existing retaining walls or other structures
- Gabion basket walls, steel retaining structures, concrete or solid retaining walls, armour stone
- Stocking or removal of fish or other aquatic life
- Enhancements for recreational or aesthetic purposes
- Machinery or equipment owned and used by the applicant, family dependents or the applicant’s business
- Labour of applicant, family dependents or the applicant’s business
- If you have an outstanding violation with Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, you will not be eligible for funding
- Work that proceeds prior to funding approval does not qualify for funding assistance
How to Apply
Complete the Landowner Information Form and Project Profile Form to submit an application. Only complete applications will be considered for funding assistance.
Please contact a Restoration Project Specialist to verify program eligibility and to answer any questions/concerns you may have about the program and/or the application process. This is a voluntary program and all calls are confidential.
What can you do at home?