The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority

Training and Development

Training and Development

Our training and development programming consists of workshops and volunteer opportunities to support education professionals, practitioners and pre-service teacher candidates. Programs and services are designed, developed and delivered to support and advance the transfer of knowledge and skills required to achieve a healthy Lake Simcoe watershed.

Downloadable Climate Change Presentation for Grades 7 - 8 Educators

Designed specifically from a local Lake Simcoe watershed perspective, this interactive presentation – complete with speaking notes, tips and teaching guide – was developed by our team of environmental experts (Ontario Certified Teacher​s and Outdoor Education Specialists) to provide teachers with a curriculum linked presentation, in an easy-to-use format.

Find out more or download your free presentation​​

Teacher Professional Development Workshops

Each year, we partner with our local school boards and various professional associations to offer and support teacher professional development workshops and events. We are happy to custom-design PD workshops to suit your needs. Contact us t​o lea​rn more!

Here’s a sample of past workshops: 

  • Sensational Snow – Learn about the amazing structure of snow and some of the physical and behavioural adaptations animals use to survive through the winter.
  • Growing Your “App”-titude: Online Tools for Citizen Science – Introduction to popular apps such as iNaturalist and practice honing your skills in the identification of flora and fauna while contributing to citizen science and monitoring programs.
  • Dip, Dip, Hooray – An experiential and hands-on learning opportunity to investigate the smallest aquatic creatures in our local water systems and how to share this learning with your students.
  • Tree-mendous Learning – An opportunity to learn about engaging and hands-on activities linked to curriculum for language, math, science and art using trees as the major theme.​
  • A Trip through the Data Portal – An opportunity to learn more about our newly launched, publicly accessible data portal! Learn with us while we gather data in the field, compare it with scientists’ data, and identify ways to use the data portal to augment your current teaching resources.

Volunteer Opportunities​

We love outdoor and environmental education and we want you to as well! But it’s about more than the desire to take kids outside to learn – you need to feel comfortable in doing so. We offer a variety of volunteer opportunities to help build your capacity and support you on your professional learning journey. Whether you are a practitioner looking to gain first-hand experience in outdoor education or you are a pre-service teacher candidate, we can help. Please contact us at to learn more​. ​

Help Us Build a New Nature Centre!

Our partners at the Lake Simcoe Conservation Foundation have launched the Connect Campaign to build an incredible new Nature Centre at Scanlon Creek

Find out more about the Connect Campaign​

Get Social with Us!

Follow along on instagram square icon Instagram​ and Facebook icon Facebook where we’ll continue sharing new nature inspired activities for outdoor learning. 

List to stay up-to-date on our available education programs and services

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Education Tea​m
1-800-465-0437 Toll free

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Nature Centre
Outreach Education
Participant Information

School and Community Programming or Nature Centre Rentals:

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Booking Request
(School and Community Programming or Nature Centre Rentals)
Participant Information​
Map to the Scanlon Creek Nature Centre​
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