Teaching Climate Change
Downloadable Climate Change Presentation for Grade 7-8 Educators
From a local perspective
Confidently introduce Climate Change education in your classroom using our free presentation and accompanying educator guide.
We’ve all seen the impacts of climate change in Canada and in our local communities. There is no better time to engage students in meaningful climate change education and help build a climate-responsive community than now!
Designed specifically from a local Lake Simcoe watershed perspective, this interactive presentation – complete with speaking notes, tips and teaching guide – was developed by our team of environmental experts (Ontario Certified Teachers and Outdoor Education Specialists) to provide educators with a curriculum linked presentation, in an easy-to-use format.
Did You Know?
Two in three teachers shy away from teaching climate change in their classroom because they don't have access to resources or feel they have the knowledge or skills to teach it?
Presentation Planning - Everything You Need to Know
After you sign-up, we’ll email you everything you need to introduce climate change to your classroom, including an:
- Interactive Climate Change presentation
- Educator Guide, complete with speaking notes and teaching tips
Presentation Details
Grade Level:
Intermediate (Grade 7 and 8). Specific curriculum links are defined in the slide notes found in the Educator Guide.
Teaching Time
Presentation Length:
90-120 minutes total. This accounts for 60-90 minutes to present the slideshow, along with an additional 30 minutes of interactive student engagement.
Preparation Time:
Minimum 30 minutes.
Learning Opportunities
Not only will students be empowered to make meaningful changes in their lives and communities, they will also learn about:
- Climate systems (overview)
- Local climate change projections
- Adapting to climate change
- Mitigating climate change
Launch Webinar
On February 10, 2021, Outdoor Educator Katie Biddie hosted a webinar to launch the new Climate Change presentation for Grade 7-8 educators.
In the webinar, Katie explains the rationale for creating this new teaching resource, and provides an overview of how to access and download both the presentation and the associated teacher guide. She then provides a brief walkthrough of the presentation itself and shares some other helpful climate change educational resources and strategies.
Related Information
Learn more about climate change in the Lake Simcoe watershed
View local climate change trends and projections
Read “Canadians’ Perspectives on Climate Change and Education: 2022″