The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority

Watershed Health

​​​​​​​Subwatershed Health

The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA) works with many partners, including our communities and municipal, provincial and federal governments, year-round to provide the best scientific information on the health of the Lake Simcoe watershed. Key Performance Indicators provide a “snap-shot” of the health of individual subwatersheds within the L​ake Simcoe watershed.

Watershed Checkup

Monitoring and protecting the watershed is a very important part of our overall effort to preserve the health of the environment upon which we all depend. We work with our partners year-round to provide the best scientific investigation of the health of the watershed and to establish programs for its protection and restoration. This includes continually monitoring, evaluating and communicating the results. One way to inform our community about the health of our watershed is through our Watershed Report Card.

​The Watershed Report Card is produced every four years using a standardized set of indicators as set out through Conservation Ontario’s watershed report card guidelines. These guidelines were created in partnership with conservation authorities across Ontario, as well as with other provincial and federal agencies and have been established to ensure consistent reporting of watershed conditions across the province.

Visit for more information on the health of Ontario’s Watersheds.

Subwatershed Plans

The Lake Simcoe Protection Plan (LSPP), released by the Province on Ontario in 2009, aims to be a comprehensive plan to protect and restore the ecological health of the lake and its watershed. Its priorities include restoring the health of aquatic life, improving water quality, maintaining water quantity, and improving ecosystem health by protecting and rehabilitating important areas, as well as addressing the impacts of invasive species, climate change, and recreational activities.
Preparation of subwatershed evaluations/plans is identified as a crucial stage in implementation of the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan (LSPP). The LSPP states that subwatershed plans “will be critical in prioritizing actions, developing focused action plans, monitoring and evaluating results. The plans will provide more detailed guidance for area specific hydrologic and natural heritage resource planning and management”

Explore the Subwatershed Plans Platform to access Lake Simcoe subwatershed plans. 

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