Downspout Redirect
Rain runs off hard surfaces like your rooftop or driveway and flows into the stormwater drain, into creeks and streams, and eventually into Lake Simcoe. This picks up pollutants and causes high levels of damaging stormwater to reach the creek during storm events, often causing flooding along the way.

What can you do?
Redirect your downspout away from paved surfaces and towards a grassy area or garden where it can soak into the ground naturally. In addition to helping keep your local creek and lake healthy, there are many other great reasons to redirect your downspout!
Redirecting your downspout:
- Gives you a free source of clean water for your lawn or landscaping
- Reduces the impacts of costly downstream flooding
- Makes your property safer by reducing slippery icy areas where you walk
Be sure to direct it at least 2-3 metres away from the foundation of your house and your neighbour’s property. If you’re unsure where the water will flow, hook your garden hose to the end of the downspout and watch where it goes!