The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority

A young child dressed up as a superhero

It’s the Best Time of the Year! Conservation Authority Hands Out 23 Environmental Awards

Event Celebrates the Efforts of Environmental Champions

Newmarket – October 11, 2022 – At its 40th annual Conservation Awards ceremony, held at Newmarket Old Town Hall on October 11, the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (the Conservation Authority) paid tribute to 23 incredible individuals, businesses and groups who are working hard to improve our environment.

According to the Conservation Authority’s chair, York Region Chairman and CEO, Wayne Emmerson, “These actions come from people who are part of the solution to the many environmental challenges we face. To hear their stories and learn about their accomplishments gives us all hope for the future.”

The Conservation Authority’s Chief Administrative Officer Rob Baldwin, adds, “This is our favourite event of the year. And this year is particularly special because we returned to celebrating in person for the first time since 2019. Meeting in person to celebrate these extraordinary accomplishments and meet the recipients is so uplifting and energizing. It’s a great way to round off the year. We hope our awards ceremony gives recipients a sense of our appreciation for their efforts… efforts that positively affect us all!”

Below is a list of the 23 recipients who received awards this year.

Full details about their achievements, including pictures and videos, can be found on our Conservation Awards webpage.​

Healthy Water Award (5 recipients)

  • Anne Bell, Sunset Simmental Farm, Innisfil
  • City of Barrie
  • Town of Aurora
  • Town of Caledon
  • Town of Newmarket

Healthy Land Award (7 recipients)

  • Bob and Melinda Diebel, Brock
  • Jane Lampert, Barrie
  • Megan Potter, East Gwillimbury
  • Michael Dagenais, King
  • Nancy and Steve Astin, Lavender North Farm, Oro-Medonte
  • Sarah Moynes, Uxbridge
  • Wes Andrews, Brock

Healthy Community Award (9 recipients)

  • Anna Bourgeois, watershed-wide
  • Anne Wright, Bradford
  • Carly & Cassie Wry, Brock
  • Douglas Latimer, Innisfil
  • Jennifer Slykhuis, Barrie
  • Living Green Barrie, Barrie
  • Neighbourhood Network (Aurora, East Gwillimbury, Georgina, King, Newmarket, Whitchurch-Stouffville)
  • Newmarket Scouting Group, Newmarket
  • Phil Mowles, watershed-wide

Ernie Crossland Young Conservationist Award

2022 Enviroventure Class at Nantyr Shores Secondary School, Innisfil

George R. Richardson Conservation Award of Honour

Herb Quan, watershed-wide

​​​​​​​​​It is the mission of the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority to collaborate, protect and restore the Lake Simcoe watershed with innovative research, policy and action.​

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