The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority

Riverine Flood Status
Lake Simcoe Shoreline Status
Low Water Status

George R. Richardson Award of Honour

This award is presented to one recipient each year, to honour and recognize lifetime environmental achievement.

The 2023 award is presented posthumously to Wil Wegman for his extraordinary environmental legacy that celebrates his unwavering commitment to the ecological preservation and enhancement of Lake Simcoe and the surrounding areas. Wil played a vital role in restoring the native Muskellunge population in Lake Simcoe and conducted a comprehensive five-year bass tagging study, providing valuable insights into bass growth and movement patterns. His establishment of the Lake Simcoe Fisheries Stakeholder Committee promoted collaboration among stakeholders and sustainable fishery management.

Beyond fisheries, Wil contributed to the restoration of wild rice, actively engaged in efforts to prevent the spread of invasive species and founded the Huck Finn Youth Fishing Day, which has now run for 21 years. Wil was an avid angler, writer and seminar host.   

Wil’s profound environmental legacy encompasses the pillars of conservation, restoration and education. The impact of his tireless efforts will continue to shape the environmental stewardship of Lake Simcoe for years to come, leaving an indelible mark on both the ecosystem and the people who hold it dear.

Past award winners:

  • 2022 – Herb Quan
  • ​2021 – Rosemary and John Dunsmore
  • 2020 – Not Awarded
  • 2019 – Not Awarded
  • 2018 – Sylvia Bowman​
  • 2017 – Lorrie​ Mackness (posthumously)
  • 2016 – Annabel Slaight
  • 2015 – Josephine Mandamin
  • 2014 – John Tran
  • 2013 – John McCutcheon
  • 2012 – John Sibbald
  • 2011 – Dave Tomlinson
  • 2010 – Debby Beatty
  • 2009 – Paul Harpley
  • 2008 – Dave Kerwin
  • 2007 – Bob Bowles
  • 2006 – Dr. George Connell
  • 2005 – Angus Morton
  • 2004 – Tom Taylor
  • 2003 – Charles Wilson
  • 2002 – Ted Bagley (posthumously)
  • 2001 – Ken Nicholls
  • 2000 – J.O. Dales
  • 1999 – Ernie Crossland​
  • 1998 – George R. Richardson​

phone icon   Who to Contact 

Katarina Zeppieri
905-895-1281 x 116
1-800-465-0437 Toll free

award nomination icon ​​Award nominations

2024 Nominations are now Closed. 

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