The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority

Ecology Ray

Ray Bolton is our resident bug expert and has been with the Conservation Authority for more than ten years. Ray received his Ecosystem Management Technologist Diploma from Fleming College and his marine operator certification license from Georgian College. He’s also trained in Taxonomic Certification of North American Family Identification of Benthic Macroinvertebrates with the Society for Freshwater Science. 

Ray is active in his field, recently presenting at several conferences (local and​ international) as well as co-authoring a study that was published in the Journal of Great Lakes Research.

Ray’s always ready to share his love for bugs and enthusiastically participates in our public outreach events, where he’s often found wading around in water while a group of captivated onlookers eagerly watches.

In his free time, Ray enjoys fly fishing, canoeing, hiking and spending time with his dog Freyja.

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For media enquiries, contact
Sinem Connor
1-800-465-0437 Toll free
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