The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority

Riverine Flood Status
Lake Simcoe Shoreline Status
Low Water Status

Lake Simcoe Science

Close up of a blue GIS key on a computer keyboard.

Geographic Information Systems – Part 2

Helping us understand the big picture  Our last i​ssue introduced the topic of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), or connecting data and geography to help understand our world. This issue explores the role of GIS specifically at LSRCA.  In order to protect and restore the Lake Simcoe wate​rshed, we need to understand it. GIS makes it possible for

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One red, one blue, one grey and one green coloured pin identified on a map that sits atop of a keyboard.

Geographic Information Systems – Part 1

GIS – Everywhere you are  Every day, decisions are being made with information provided by GIS. From predicting weather, to identifying flood prone areas, to analy​zing crime patterns, to deciding where to locate facilities like shopping malls, GIS plays a role because these geographic problems require spatial thinking.  You probably use GIS every day and

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