The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority

​​​​​​​LID Treatment Train Tool

Developed by the Lake Simcoe Region, Credit Valley and Toronto and Region Conservation Authorities, the LID TTT is an exciting new open-source tool created to help developers, ​consultants, municipalities and landowners better understand, plan and implement sustainable stormwater practices.

Using results from the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Storm Water Manage​​ment Model (EPA SWMM5) engine, the tool assesses runoff volume control targets (retention and captured/treated), along with total suspended solids (TSS) and total phosphorus (T​P) reductions for both annual and event-based scenarios, throughout the design process. It also provides preliminary water balance analysis (i.e. surface evapotranspiration, surface runoff, infiltration to soil).

The tool is built using the open source EPA SWMM5 model as the engine, to provide a user-friendly interface for novice modelers and can be exported to provide a SWMM5 input file for further model development during detailed design.​​

phone icon   Who to Contact 

Steve Auger

Stormwater Management Coordinator
1-800-465-0437 Toll free

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