The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority

Our Projects

Magna Centre Parking Lot Retrofit​


The western entrance of the Magna Centre Parking lot is getting a LID (Low Impact Development​) makeover. Currently, stormwater from the western paved entrance flows unfiltered into the stormwater management pond adjacent to the driveway and eventually into Bogart Creek. Stormwater, when left unfiltered, carries pollutants and contaminants i​nto our creeks and streams and eventually into Lake Simcoe.

LSRCA, in partnership with the Town of Newmarket, will construct a series of LID features along the side of the entranceway. These features will capture, filter and infiltrate runoff from the driveway and adjacent areas while further naturalizing the entranceway.  

Project Update

Watch the video to learn more about the LID features being installed at the Magna Centre and the current status of the project.

How will this project affect you?

During construction, there will be minor detour areas (with signage) and a flag person on-site directing traffic closest to the entrance off of Mulock Drive.

What LID features will be installed?

All five LID features being installed are grass swales with drain inlets (cuts in the concrete curb) that direct the rain water away from catch basins and into the swales. Once the water goes into the swale, it’s directed down into a perforated piping system, which is surrounded by a layer of clear free draining stone. 

The clear stone can store large amounts of water (helpful during large storm events) and then allows for slow drainage through the native soils below, promoting both filtration and infiltration into the ground. To complete the feature, instead of using sod, we’ve used a native seed mix along with a recycled organic material called Terraseed. 

Drawing by Aquafor Beech​

phone icon   Who to Contact

Steve Auger

Stormwater Management Coordinator​​
1-800-465-0437 Toll free

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