The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority

Riverine Flood Status
Lake Simcoe Shoreline Status
Low Water Status
Level 1

Pangman Conservation Area Restoration Project

KPI Icon for presentations_Restoring aquatic habitat
KPI Icon for presentations_Enhancing Natural Heritage
KPI Icon for presentations_Improving water quality

One of the creeks flowing through Pangman Springs Conservation Area contained an online pond. Online ponds are generally not good for fish, as they slow water down and allow it to warm up, making the water less habitable for fish. The pond also had a barrier at one end that prevented fish from migrating further upstream.  

In 2019, we removed the barrier and re-established the creek, creating more habitat for fish. We also created 0.4 hectares of wetland habitat, which improves wildlife diversity on the property, and we planted over 2,000 native shrubs, trees, and live stakes. 

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