The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority

Riverine Flood Status
Lake Simcoe Shoreline Status
Low Water Status
Level 1

Parking Lot Guidelines

Parking Lot Design Guidelines​

When parking lots are designed with winter maintenance in mind, they naturally require less salt application to maintain the same level of service without increasing liability. Using less salt in parking lots will help to mitigate anticipated chloride increases in local watercourses as urban development continues.

To assist with this goal, LSRCA and our partner agencies have developed ‘Parking Lot Design Guidelines to Promote Salt Reduction’. They includ​e design features, site plans, template municipal policies, and next steps intended for use by designers, regulatory agencies, owners, contractors, amongst others.  

The guidelines and associated documents and drawings are available below for download.

Fact Sheet – Parking Lot Guidelines

Read about the sources of salt, chloride levels and a quick overview of parking lot design guidelines.

Parking Lot Design Guidelines

This report presents four primary design features that have the
potential to reduce salt use.
Note: To access the full document including appendices, site design factsheets and primary design feature drawings email

Municipal Policy Template

The following template policies were created for incorporation into municipal planning tools upon the next scheduled update.

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