The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority

Riverine Flood Status
Lake Simcoe Shoreline Status
Low Water Status

Planning and Development

Got Questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

General inquiries for planning can be sent to Emma Dias at e.dias@LS​​ She would be happy to connect you with the appropriate staff member.​

General inquiries for Regulations can be sent to regulations@​​​. Our staff will connect you with the appropriate staff member to address your inquiry.

Yes! Our Environmental Regulations Analysts are working remotely. We are also issuing permits digitally to ensure continued service. Please submit your permit application digitally.​

Planning applications should be made through your municipality. If your municipality prefers that you submit directly, or if you are providing a re-submission, please provide a digital submission to your Planning contact as well as e.dias@LSRC​​​​​​. Please copy all review agencies directly when you are resubmitting changes to an application to ensure that each agency is reviewing the same information.

  1. As we are unable to process applications without the applicable review fee, we are providing a number of payment options to ensure that our services are not delayed.

    • Cheque​ – Cheques may be sent via post, courier or to our locked drop box at 120 Bayview Parkway, Newmarket. Please include a covering memo detailing what application the payment is for (i.e. application number, site address, applicant)
    • Credit Card – If you wish to pay via Credit Card, please notify your Planning and Development Services staff contact and we will arrange for a staff member to contact you to process your payment.
    • Electronic Funds Transfer (Direct Deposit) – Please forward EFT enrollment forms / request to Our staff will complete the form and return to you so that the transfer may occur.

We are now open for site visits and various forms of site review such as site photos, videos, or drone fly-over imagery if available and provided by the applicant. We also have aerial imagery that staff can access to help assess a site. Each scenario is different. Please contact a Conservation Authority Planning and Development staff member to discuss options.

If you would like to report a violation or what may be unlawful activity, visit​.

General inquiries can be sent to:

Planning: Emma Dias
Regulations: regulations@LSR​​​

If we can be of any further assistance with respect to your planning or permit applications, please do not hesitate to contact: 

Ashlea Brown – Director, Development Services
Dave Ruggle – Manager Planning

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