The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority


Volunteer With Us!

We’re looking for volunteers for tree planting and community events held throughout the year. We always post these opportunities in our Calendar of Events.

If you are interested in getting email invites about these opportunities

Know someone in the community doing great things to make this watershed healthier?

Consider nominating them for a Conservation Award. Each year we celebrate numerous citizens and groups for the work they are doing in this watershed. It doesn’t have to be tied to any LSRCA initiative. If it’s good for our environment, we want to hear about it!

Explore environmental volunteer opportunities

Are you looking for other volunteer opportunities across our watershed? Consider contacting one of the following organizations: 

Other ways to give

No time to volunteer?

You can offer your support through the Lake Simcoe Conserva​tion Foundation, a registered charity that funds our efforts. Donations over $20 will receive a tax receipt.

If you are interested in getting email invites about these opportunities

Join our mailing list!

phone icon   Who to Contact 

1-800-465-0437 Toll free

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