The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority

Riverine Flood Status
Lake Simcoe Shoreline Status
Low Water Status


Ecologically sensitive area will be protected in perpetuity

Lake Simcoe watershed: November 16, 2021 – The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority just added another 137 acres of ecologically sensitive land to its holdings. The land transfer was finalized late last week and is a mix of wetland and floodplain in the Beaver River Wetland Conservation Area in the Township of Brock.

​​According to Brian Kemp, General Manager of Conservation Lands, “The addition of this ecologically sensitive land to our holdings is a huge win for the watershed. Wetlands are highly valued carbon sinks, helping to mitigate the effects of climate change. They also help protect against flooding in nearby areas”. Brian also notes that “by coming into conservation authority stewardship, the lands will remain unspoiled, providing important habitat for the hundreds of species of creatures that call it home, including several species at risk like the Least bittern, Snapping turtle, Canada warbler and Midland painted turtle”. 

Do you have property in the Lake Simcoe watershed that you’d like to restore to its natural state? We’d love to hear from you. We have funding and technical expertise available. Do you have property you’d like to donate? Give us a call! Every piece of nature saved or restored is a victory for the watershed and ultimately the planet. Send your enquiries to:

Beaver River Acquisition map


  • This purchase was made possible with the support of Durham Region and the Lake Simcoe Conservation Foundation.
  • The conservation authority protects more than 6,000 acres of land in the Lake Simcoe watershed.
  • The Beaver River Conservation Area is the conservation authority’s largest and most environmentally significant land holding.
  • The addition of 137 acres in the Beaver River Conservation area increases the area by 12% to over 1,300 acres.​

Photo of Midland Painted Turtle provided by Hector Vargas.

It is the mission of the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority to collaborate, protect and restore the Lake Simcoe watershed with innovative research, policy and action.

Media Contact:

Sinem Connor
Senior Communications Advisor
Lake Simcoe Region Conse​rvation Authority
Toll Free: 1-800-465-0437
Mobile: 289-763-4507​​

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