The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority

Riverine Flood Status
Lake Simcoe Shoreline Status
Low Water Status

LID Guidance Documents

Low Impact Development Guidance Documents

Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) has made great progress in developing a collection of LID publications and guidance documents that can be applied to the Lake Simcoe watershed. The following links will help you access this collection of LID publications and guidance documents about the process and best management practice tools for innovative stormwater management.

Grey to Green - Retrofits

These guides provide step-by-step guidance on how to retrofit existing properties to incorporate LID stormwater management technologies. Guides are tailored to specific land-uses, including road right-of-ways, private lands, public lands, residential lands and an overarching guide to assist municipalities on how to implement city-wide retrofit programs.

Grey to Green Road Retrofits:
Optimizing your Infrastructure Assets Through Low Impact Development

Grey to Green Business and Multi-Residential Retrofits:
Optimizing your Bottom-line Through Low Impact Development

Grey to Green Grey to Green Public Lands Retrofits:
Optimizing Parks, Public Buildings, Schools and Places of Worship through Low Impact Development

LID Guidance Documents

Learn about the process and best management practice tools for managing stormwater. Here you will find guides on LID Planning & Design, LID Construction, Stormwater Management Criteria and factsheets on LID practices and landscaping.

LID Factsheets
Learn about various LID best management practices. A partnership between Credit Valley Conservation and Toronto and Region Conservation.

Top Plant Picks for your LID Garden
Plant Species and Bloom Time

Construction Guide for Low Impact Development
For increased success of LID in Ontario, this document guides engineers and contractors on the proper construction of LID designs. It highlights common LID oversights during construction and discusses: proper planning, siting, contractor communication, protection, and material specification guidance.

Low Impact Development – Stormwater M​anagement Planning & Design Guide
This guide is a joint initiative of the TRCA and CVC, developed in consultation with representatives from the Ministry of the Environment, Fisheries and​ Oceans Canada, GTA Municipalities and Developers.

Landscape Design Guide for Low Impact Development
The Landscape Design Guide for Low Impact Development complements the Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Planning and Design Guide by providing land managers and professional practitioners with an understanding of the guiding principles of LID planting design, implementation and management.

Draft Contractor and Inspector LID Construction Field Guide Book
This guide is designed to compliment the Low Impact Development Construction guide which was developed in partnership with U.S. consultant Emmons & Olivier Resources, Inc. (EOR) and is based on EOR’s years of design and construction experience.

phone icon   Who to Contact 

Steve Auger

Stormwater Management Coordinator
1-800-465-0437 Toll free

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